Ludovia continues its exploration of the issues raised by digital technology in educational and play practices, drawing on multidisciplinary approaches (educational sciences, cognitive sciences, information and communication sciences, arts, computer science, etc.).
For two decades, Ludovia has dealt with immersion, conviviality, do-it-yourself, space and memory, interactivity and interaction, mobility, pleasure, the imaginary, creation and consumption, appropriation and detour, forms of attention, presence and commitment, sharing, exchange, contribution and participation, institutions, representations, injunctions, the social, ethics and well-being. This richness has given rise to a number of publications in both books and magazines.
The Ludovia international scientific symposium is celebrating its 20th edition this year, as part of the Ludovia 2024 summer university. For this anniversary, the team has chosen a theme that can be seen as a watermark for all our work:
"Daily life & digital"
Daily life & digital
Digital technology is part of everyday life for the majority of the population. What was "the future" at the time of NICTs around 1995 has now become an integral part of daily life. Anyone who has not experienced the world without the Internet finds it hard to imagine what life would be like without it. Civil engineering infrastructures, IT foundations and the political and industrial choices involved in managing services are managed at the level of states and international industrial groups, but the uses to which connected services are put primarily concern individuals, even when they appear within the framework of establishments, companies, associations or other structures.
The importance of digital technology in our daily lives regularly comes to the fore in the media. It manifests itself in ethical and pragmatic questions such as the management of personal data, the development of different versions of ChatGPT, and the promises of technology to change everyday life. The dialectic linking everyday life and digital technology is a matter of societal and individual dynamics.
This is why questioning everyday life is so important for science. As disciplines tend to fragment reality in terms of their objects and methodologies, the inclusion of everyday life as an object of study offers a focus that is as closeas possible to people's concerns. Questioning them requires the mobilization of multiple approaches.
The daily omnipresence of digital devices is redistributing organizational approaches in services and the home. For example, the fact that major retailers offer online ordering followed by drive-through pick-up is not neutral. Even when customers are on the move, they may only interact with automatic checkouts at the end of their purchasing decision-making processes. These services became widespread during the pandemic. The injunctions to use barrier gestures and maintain distance, encouraged by the use of platforms, have left their mark. This organization, conceived in an emergency and intended to be temporary, has only partially taken root over time. The imperatives of distancing have manifested themselves even in the management of contact with objects used collectively, for example, by massively increasing the use of contactless technology.
Everyday life with digital technology seems to be changing social relations to the point of reshaping societal organization. Is it then that democratic modernity is finally providing individuals with the technical means to pursue long-nurtured passions? Or is it rather that these tools have the capacity to generate and nurture new passions? In other words, does everyday digital life as we experience it reveal what we are, or what digital life is?
Fields of application (non-exhaustive list)
The Ludovia 2024 symposium brings together researchers from a wide range of disciplines. Proposals for papers may therefore include, but are not limited to:
In the humanities and social sciences: work focusing on relationships in an everyday digital society;
In education and training sciences: what are the approaches to digital technology in everyday school life? How are national and regional guidelines applied day after day, in and out of the classroom?
Political science: the dematerialization of public services and cultural goods, and the development of subscriptions, raises questions about the relationship that individuals have with the concepts of property and freedom on a daily basis;
In philosophy and formal sciences: the democratization of access to services and devices such as AI has resulted in a reorganization of society around new uses, to be thought out and understood;
In healthcare, the digital devices made available to patients and care teams are changing daily life, access to care and behavior;
In aesthetics: the digitization of the world has led to a proliferation of everyday aesthetic experiences, whether in creation, reception or design;
In play studies: the widespread use of smartphone applications is transforming space into playgrounds to be programmed on a daily basis.
These lines of reasoning are by no means exhaustive, and we welcome all proposals questioning digital interactions in everyday life.
Cardon, D. (2013). Pour une typologie des métriques du web. 81e Congrès de l'ACFAS : Nouveaux prescripteurs et transformation des goûts à l'ère numérique : de la quotidienneté au Web 2.0, mai 2013, Québec, Canada, hal-00826467.
Cardon, D. (2019). Culture numérique. Paris : Presses de Sciences Po.
Certeau, M. d. (1980/1990). L'invention du quotidien, tome I : Arts de faire. Paris : Gallimard.
Certeau, M. d. (1980/1994). L'invention au quotidien, tome II : Habiter, cuisiner. Paris : Gallimard.
Dambuyant, M. (2023). Imposer le quotidien. Expériences de vie de porteurs condamnés au bracelet électronique (DDSE). Communications, 112, 89-99.
Domenget, J.-C. (2013). La fragilité des usages numériques : Une approche temporaliste de la formation des usages. Les Cahiers du numérique, 9, 47-75.
Doueihi, M. (2008/2011). La grande conversion numérique, suivi de Rêveries d'un promeneur numérique. Paris : Seuil.
Fasula, P., Laugier, S. (dir.). (2021). Concepts de l'ordinaire. Paris : Éditions de la Sorbonne.
Ferrarese, E. Laugier, S. (dir.). (2018). Formes de vie. Du biologique au social. Paris : CNRS Éditions.
Fourquet-Courbet, M.-P., Courbet, D. (2020). Connectés et heureux ! du stress digital au bien-être numérique Paris : Dunod.
Ouakrat, A. (2015). Du rythme d’usage du smartphone aux rythmes de vie : les normes temporelles informelles des pratiques d’une population étudiante, Questions de communication, n° 27
Roelens, C. (2023). La modernité démocratique est un cimetière d’apocalypses. In Roelens C. et Pélissier, C. (dir.), Éthique, numérique et idéologies. Presses des Mines, 27-45.
How to submit ?
Proposals must be submitted by May 15, 2024 at:
Proposals should be between 2,000 and 3,500 characters long. In addition to a summary of the paper, it should indicate the status and titles of the author(s) and the scientific section to which they belong. The abstract should explain the method used, the experimental field (if applicable) and the references. Receipt of each proposal will be acknowledged by e-mail.
Organization of paper selection
Proposals will be read by two double-blind readers (one from the research field corresponding to the article, the other possibly from outside the field), who will be given only the text of the paper, with no mention of its author. Each author will receive a notice indicating acceptance (conditional or not), or rejection of the article. Conditionally accepted proposals will be modified according to the comments of the selection committee.
Publication of proceedings The final article must respect the typographical and layout conventions that will be sent in a standard style sheet when the proposal is accepted. The size of the article should be between 25,000 and 30,000 characters, including spaces. It should be sent electronically as a .doc, .docx or .odt file, containing the title, abstract, text and, where appropriate, numbered illustrations.
Publication in the proceedings is subject to participation in the Ludovia conference. Selected authors will be invited to present their work in a 20-minute talk. Ludovia does not cover travel or accommodation expenses. Publication in the proceedings is conditional on participation in the conference.
Abstracts & calendar
Publication Abstracts of accepted papers, together with biographical and scientific notes, will be published on the Ludovia summer university website: Papers will be published electronically after the conference, in the publication area of the conference website, which is currently being redesigned. A subsequent scientific publication based on the arguments of this call will be proposed in a qualifying scientific journal or book and will give rise to a new selection procedure.
Timetable (important dates)
Submission deadline: May 15, 2024.
Notification of acceptance of proposals: May 25, 2024.
Conference dates: August 26-29, 2024.
Submission of full papers for publication (maximum 30,000 characters): December 20, 2024.
Further information - Contacts
For further information, please contact us:
Further information on the symposium will be circulated as follows: Material information (registration, accommodation): For scientific information:
Ludovia 2024 scientific symposium chairs Thierry Gobert (University of Perpignan Via Domitia), Camille Roelens (University of Lyon 1), Isabelle Ravetllat (University of Perpignan Via Domitia)